why worry wally?
"Oh Wally oh Wally it will all be ok, Your positive thoughts can take worries away"
Why Worry Wally? is my first picture book. Hooray! In fact my first book as an author. I'm pretty proud of Wally. One, that I've actually finished it after four years fine-tuning. But more importantly, I'm proud for what it stands for.
My aim was to create a story that was first and foremost fun and engaging, but used the theme of worries to normalise anxiety and act as a conversation-starter for children and their parents around the subject.
I’d love to reach as many children and parents as I can to foster the discussion around anxiety, something that I’m extremely passionate about and is very dear to my heart.
"As a Clinical Counsellor working with children and adults, I have found an absence of material that is fun and useful for child anxiety education. Why Worry Wally? will help fill that gap. "
– Olivia Sakamoto MC (Monash University)
Why Wally is so important to me
Why Worry Wally? is more than just a book. My hope is that it has a life outside of the pages through the impact it can have on kids lives. I've partnered up with Kids Helpline so that a percentage of profits from every book will be donated to this amazing organisation. Please check out this link for more information kidshelpline.com.au
I've also created a wellbeing incursion for schools (in collaboration with my good friend and teacher Andy), which offers a fun, meaningful and engaging way for students in Prep to Grade 4 to talk about the theme of worries and learn easy to understand strategies for managing them.
“Thank you again, so much, for the book yesterday. I just wanted to say, my daughter Sophia (who is 6) loved it so much!
She was really engaged with the whole story- it was perfect for her age as she really felt connected to all of the worries that Wally had, She laughed and gasped through the whole thing and even mimicked her matching (toothless) grin to Wally in the end... And then wanted to read the blurb and fine print to find out even more!
– RAchAel, kids helpline
Why support this book?
I’m a strong advocate for mental health and particularly passionate about supporting and empowering children dealing with worries and anxiety.
As I watched my 9-year old daughter struggle with her worries, and talked to other parents of even younger children dealing and coping with anxiety, I saw a need for a picture book that dealt with these themes in an accessible and light-hearted way.
I also drew on the feedback of psychologists, counsellors and other experts in shaping the messaging and coping techniques, using rhyme as a method for making this messaging fun and accessible.
I selected rhyme to provide a playful aspect to the messaging, given the sensitive subject matter. I also find the repetition of the rhyme adds a sense of warmth and comfort to the text.
I have always loved the rhyming style as I feel, if done well, it offers as much enjoyment to the parent as it does the child. Why shouldn’t the experience be as equally satisfying? Think The Gruffalo and Hairy Maclary.
But rhyme is only one part of the story (pardon the pun).
I also needed an illustrator who could embrace the whimsical nature of the rhyme but also add further depth and meaning to the themes and concepts of the book.
Tough ask? Definitely. But when international artist and illustrator Jackie Case accepted the challenge I knew that I could put my own worries to bed.
The unique canvas of characters she has created and the emotional journey she takes them on is a credit to her empathy and artistry. I struck gold with Jackie.
We’ve created a series of free Wally Worksheets you can print off home as a fun activity for kids, as well as a way to monitor your own child’s anxiety. Sometimes it’s easier to draw than articulate in words.
Please hit the ‘free download’ button below to print off your worksheet. Enjoy.