Why Worry Wally? wellbeing incursion

Complement your school’s wellbeing program with an evidence-based incursion about managing worries

For Grades P-6


Students will learn

  • That everybody faces worries sometimes, including at school, and that's OK.

  • That talking about worries with trusted people rather than hiding them is the best way to handle them.

  • To develop strategies to independently manage worries and know when to seek help.

What SChools are Saying


(Term 2, 2024)

“Helping small people manage ‘big feelings’”

What to Expect

  • 50-60 minute session tailored to the grade level

  • Author storytelling and discussion of real-life connections

  • Use of a positive psychology informed framework that can be used in the classroom

  • Opportunities for all students to self-reflect and engage with peers

  • Movement-based activities to encourage physical health

  • Mindfulness based breathing techniques

  • Positive approaches to understanding emotions and applying strengths

  • Kids Helpline content to support those needing further assistance

Why Worry Wally’s Walk for Mental Health

In 2022 we collaborated with Smiling Mind in a fundraiser

Educational benefits

  • Provides an opportunity to support your youngest students to develop emotional awareness and mental health literacy, which is particularly relevant following the COVID-related challenges of recent years.

  • Aligns with FISO 2.0 commitment to wellbeing outcomes, including Principle 8 of the Practice Principles for Excellence in Teaching Practice (Action 8.4: Teachers and students collaborate in learning partnerships in and beyond the school)

  • Consistent with the aims of the new DET-funded initiative, Mental Health in Primary Schools (MIPS), which prioritises the implementation of a whole school approach to wellbeing. This includes directly addressing two of the four High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS):

    • HIWS 5: Foster student self-efficacy

    • HIWS 7: Promote coping strategies and facilitate referrals

  • The learning experience has been co-designed by an experienced classroom teacher and positive education expert, and is intended to become embedded into classroom routines. It ties in with:

    • The Victorian Curriculum - Personal and Social Capability: Recognition and expression of emotions (VCPSCSE008), VCPSCSE016), Development of resilience (VCPSCSE010 (VCPSCSE017)

    • The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) Program - Topic 1: Emotional Literacy; Topic 3: Positive Coping; Topic 5: Stress Management; Topic 6: Help-seeking

  • All classroom teachers will also receive a pack that includes wall displays (with content relevant to the incursion) and an optional follow-up strength spotting activity.

Further information

  • The incursion is for one class group at a time, and can take place in the regular classroom environment or open shared space such as a library or hall (with access to a TV or projector screen with HDMI input).

  • Copies of “Why Worry Wally” are available to purchase by the school community at a 20% discount rate, and proceeds from every book sale go to support Kids Helpline (which the children are introduced to as part of the session).

  • All students receive a Why Worry Wally bookmark at the completion of the session.

  • The incursion has been developed in consultation with mental health professionals, and is presented with both professionalism and sensitivity to ensure student safety.

  • We carry the necessary authorisation to work with children in a school setting, including Working With Children Check (WWCC) and Public Liability Insurance.

  • While classroom teachers are not required to support the delivery of the session, you are more than welcome to interact if you wish (and this contributes to the positive impact on the students).

Show Your Team

Download the A5 flyer or more detailed PDF so that you can share and discuss with your PLT.


Enquire Now

If you would like more info about the incursion, contact us via the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Our Story

Learn a bit more about how the Why Worry Wally incursion got started and our story so far

Participating Schools